I know it has been a while, but we have been busy with the house. I am sitting at the Crossroads in Carmel, CA at the Carmel Valley Coffee Roasting Co leeching off of the free wifi. Through this you could gather that I am in Monterey, CA for Thanksgiving. We left on Tuesday morning at about 10am in the Z4 and 16 hours later (2am) we pulling into Monterey. We were pelted with rain through south Washington and most of Oregon. I5 south was not the road of choice, but due to the desire to make it to Monterey quickly, it was the best route. The coast is always the most fun, it just takes longer.
Quick update on the house...and I will post pictures as soon as I get a chance...
Roof is finally on, rough plumbing is in, we met with the electrician on friday and he starts this next Monday, the fireplace is installed and the heating system was in the process of being installed when we were there on Friday. We get to make an appointment with the cabinet guy when we get back and I have to get speaker cable and dig up my HDMI cable for the electrician.
Side note...there is a humming bird fluttering 2 feet from my foot... It is sunny and cool down here in Monterey at the moment...great weather to have the top down. Now the only problem with driving the Z4 down is the weather...we are actually getting a little worried because I just found out that there is forecast for snow and freezing temperatures in Oregon and Washington...so I think we will have to leave asap on sunday to head back north. I do not yet know what route we will take. I would like to take I5 because it is the quickest, however we may have to take the coast due to possible snowy conditions in the passes in Oregon. The good news about all this is that there is snow forecasted for where we live next week! :) We just have to get home before it dumps!!!
Anyways..Happy Thanksgiving and I will post more later...