Wednesday, June 15, 2005

And the adventure begins

Well, I have officially started at Boeing. It has been interesting so far...lots of new things to wrap my head around. But it looks like it will be fun. I spent some time in one of the labs today working with a few guys on fun hardware stuff. The one thing that I am not so sure about yet is the commute. It has been long, so we'll see if I will get used to it or if we will look into moving further south. We'll see. I am excited to get rolling more into the job, it should be fun. I do miss my previous job because of the short commute and the fact that I was working in a field that I am much more current and experienced in. But its a that should be a good thing. I'll keep ya'll posted. (all two of you)...:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - all two of us?? ;)

Congratulations on starting out at Boeing with such finesse... keep it up. You are going to be an old pro in the group in no time!