Friday, May 05, 2006

Our House is now on the market

So I know I haven't posted in a while..but we have been up to a lot. We bought a house down in Sammamish, WA. It is just south of Redmond and is on the East side of Lake Sammamish. I can't show you much yet due to the fact that it hasn't been built. Construction is a little behind (like it hasn't started), but the original completion estimate was August 30th (yea right). It will slide, but that's ok. We are planning on getting an apartment for a bit after our house sells. So we are being flexible. It is an awesome house, its a small builder and its not a development. This means we have control over almost everything! And it has a partial view and beach rights! :) I will post more later, but the main reason for this posting is to get a link to our current house out on the web for you all to see. Here it is:

(not active anymore)

We have spent the last several weeks working on the house and its looking great and ready to go finally. Anyway, I have to get going because we are heading out for the weekend to go backpacking/camping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it's SOLD!!!! :)