Saturday, July 15, 2006

House Updates

Not much to mention. There hasn't been a bunch done lately. The builder called us mid week to let us know they are about to lay the foundation. So hopefully that will happen soon. The lot has been excavated and is ready for the foundation to be layed :)

More pics....

The framing on the left is the house next to ours...the framing in front is the house accross the street from ours...This pic was taken from the lot looking down.


The Jeep is pointing at our lot.


The framing on the right is the house next to ours.

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Anonymous said...

what's the framing? I'm confused since I can't tell the orientation or what I'm looking at...

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way... pretty shiny new Jeep ya got there! :p

wingfoot said...

Updated info on the pics for better info....

:) and we like our already dirty jeep...just how it should be...