Friday, February 02, 2007

House Update

On another note...

We met with the builder yesterday to work out some of the things we have paid for and determine what we own him...etc. Although we didn't get complete answers on numbers yet, we have things a little more organized now. Our updated move in date is March, 15th. I don't think it will happen by then, but I do think it won't me too much later then that...probably closer to April. They have started the rockery on the south side of the house as well as on the sides of the driveway. The driveway is also more graded and he hopes to poor the concrete soon. We also just got signed off on inspection, so the insulation should start in the next few days and the drywall won't be too far behind. So there is finally progress! :)

On a sadder note, I won't be able to play my xbox 360 for a while...I got the Red Lights of Death. Hardware failure. :) Its going in for service as soon as I get the box from them to mail it in.

Not much else to report. I will take more pictures of the house as the driveway and rockery get closer to being finished.

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